Hi, How Can We Help You?

IELTS Coaching

IELTS Coaching Overview

The IELTS or the International English Language Testing System is an examination that’s necessary for students as an English language eligibility option. We provide all possible coaching solutions and tips for a successful & impactful score in the test. Shine high through your competition and make the best of your chance to study abroad in your favorite college or university.

  • A high score means a high probability of success
  • Understand the English language comprehensively
  • Better Scores, Better Universities
  • Expert guidance team from GES
  • Conquer the World by learning English perfectly

Prepare Yourself for the IELTS Exam


A diminishing feature nowadays, listening classes from GES will make you attentive & pick up important points to understand something clearly.


The biggest hurdle of them all, a lot of talented people elude speaking in English. GES strives to make everyone comfortable with the conversation.


Comprehensive understanding matters as time progresses. GES’ Reading exercises will give you a chance to get the entirety of any text without any qualms.


Express yourself like never before with the help of GES’ Writing tests. Let no details slip by from your mind to your pen/keyboard.

IELTS Language Training

Gaining expertise in a language is not an easy feat. Doing the same in a systematic way matters and Global Education Services strives to provide the services nonchalantly to everyone in need.

Coaching Time

Time is essential, hence classes are set up to your benefit.


Timely assessment makes your progress climb gradually.


Gain the IELTS certification & fly ahead with style!